The girls & I headed on our typical trek to get groceries. Soon after entering the store, we discovered about 4 baskets full of Valentine's items - 50% off. I thought I was going to hyperventilate, but I didn't. However, I certainly stopped to peek.
As I'm standing there looking as frumpy as frumpy can get (I kid you not - dirty sweats, a t-shirt covered up with a sweatshirt jacket because I guess I thought it was 20 below in there, dirty hair up in a clip (& not a 'good' clip, my good clip broke this a.m. so I had to use an alternative & it was horrible), not a lick of makeup, glasses smudged, etc. I think I looked a little homeless. Anyway, here came another mom to look at the Valentine's goodies. Dressed all proper, obviously showered, perfect hair & perfect makeup. Oh goodie goodie.
She began to browse. Let me tell you. This chick was so tickled pink with the sale, she felt the need to include me in all her findings. She started with "your girls are just beautiful". "Thank you", I said. That was just the beginning.
Her: Oh my! This stuff is 50% off!
Me: Oh I know. Great deals for next year.
I keep browsing.
Her: Again: Your girls are so pretty.
I smile & say "thank you".
I keep browsing.
Her (with some decorations in her hand): I have one in college & I'm looking for scrapbook stuff.
Me: Oh, I see. Those are cute.
Me: Jaguar, look at the Valentines! You'll be in school next year & need some for friends.
Her: The cookies are only .75 cents!
Me: Wow. Good deal.
I keep browsing.
Me: Jaguar, do you like these?
Jaguar: Nope.
Her: This stuff is great! You could even use these for birthday decorations.
Me: Yah, what a good idea.
I keep browsing.
Me: Jaguar, here are some kitties, do you like them?
Jaguar: Nope.
Me: These have tattoos! Do you like these?
Jaguar: Nope.
(Seeing a pattern here with Jaguar.)
I keep browsing.
Her: If you go to the back, where the seasonals are kept, you can get plates & napkins (she holds both of them up to show me) - all on sale!
Me: Cool. I'll have to run by that section.
By now I'm thinking "WOMAN! Shut up! I can't even think!" (My thoughts weren't quite that um...pure.)
I keep browsing.
Me: Jaguar look! They even have really cute little gift bags.
Her: If you dig deep enough, they even have ones with tissue paper tucked in them!
Me: Oh, ok!
Her: You could even use these for Christmas!
By now, my eyes were crossing.
Me: Jaguar, I'll tell you what. Let's go get what we need to get & we'll come back by.
Her: Again: Your girls are so cute.
Me: Thank you. Happy Shopping!
Big Mouth.
I was exhausted before we even started. I was so rattled, by the time we were finished shopping, I completely forgot to go back to the sale items, thus missing the bargains. Thanks a lot, Ms. Peppy.
Teehee. Ü
This was sooooo funny to read! I, too, am a people person, but I would have reacted the same way if I had come across someone like her at the store. Here is a little trick for you (this is what I always do). I wear my bluetooth to the store. I never ever talk on it as it's not even connected to my phone. If I come across a Chatty Cathy, I just pretend to be talking on my bluetooth or I pretend to get a call. That usually ends that problem right away.
Also, if I have my hair down, people can't see the bluetooth in my ear, so when I pretend to talk on the phone they think that I am a little off my rocker and talking to myself. Works every stinkin' time LOL!!!
Too funny. I actually went to Walmart yesterday and bought 2 boxes of Hotwheels valentines for next year, along with what I went there to get. All the stuff at that one was still in the aisles so no digging required.
I still can't believe that YOU leave the house like that. Of course I am one of those people who has to do my hair and make-up before I leave the house and even when I know I am not leaving the house. It's sort of theraputic to me.
HAHAHA! Too funny!! There's always someone wanting to talk or visit when I'm not feeling or looking my best and just want to get what I need and get out of the store. Love Rebecca's bluetooth trick!!! LOL!
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