Remember when all she did was sit on the edge? That is, until July 12th. When I coaxed her into floating in the water with me. Ü
Slowly, I began loosening my grip. Until she was doing this:
After that, she was brave enough to jump in, with her daddy or I catching her. When she would jump to me, I slowly began backing up. Until I wasn't catching her at all.
By the following day, she was jumping alone. Even gets in the ready position. Toes on the edge! Ü
7 days ago, she realized she could do this:
And alas, tonight, jumping on noobles. Ü
Tada! Yes, she says tada! Ü
Not bad for a tiny person who just turned 2 1/2 three weeks ago, heh? We have always had a pool (even at our previous home) -however, she is our earliest 'swimmer' yet. I wonder when the life jacket will come off? Hubby wants to try now. I say it's too soon. We'll see. :)
Please excuse the scenery - the left corner of our backyard is the worst part of our entire yard. Not only that, a few weeks ago, hubby pulled up all of our landscaping this side of the pool fence. So it's looking a little, well, drab.
And swimming suits are so overrated, don't you think? Ü