Saturday, March 2, 2013

Busy week & breakfast burritos!

It has been one busy week!  Let's see here.  Besides the normal, daily routine consisting of - breakfast, school lunches, school, work, cleaning, errands, laundry, homework, dinner, showers & bed, this week we threw in -

Major colds for a few of us which knocked us (me, included) out for a few days...

Salt dough made for a school project... (that was really cool & fun to make!)

A special band party for my oldest because he is excelling in band...

Dance practice...

School open house for my elementary kids... (band party/dance/open house all on the same night)

Husband working extra hours...

Dentist appointments for all 4 of my children...

Working on & wrapping up a product review for a large, internet company...

Guest post that I will be doing on Monday...

Whew!  I hate when my blogging gets put on the back burner but sometimes, that's just life. Reality happens. :)


Not only am I so honored to have the privilege to guest post on another blog, but I'll be featuring a guest post here on my blog, too!  Both of these are a first for me! So exciting! The guest post I will be featuring on my blog is amazing, so be sure to check back, especially if you have children!  Fun stuff!

I will have my product review post completed this week, too!  If you wear glasses or have a family member who does, do not miss this post!  It will be up this week! Love, love, love!

And then add what I already have scheduled -

What grossness I found in my washing machine... (I'm kind of stalling on that one)

Blah, blah, blah.

I need more time! Don't we all need more time?

In the meantime, here's a super simple 'breakfast' burrito recipe my husband whipped up for us tonight:

(Yes, that is a paper plate. No, we haven't used all of them yet. No, I won't be purchasing any more after this!)


Eggs with milk (we use only Egg-Land's Best eggs & organic milk)

Turkey Sausage

Wheat & Black Bean tortillas

Salsa (we used corn/black bean/roasted pepper salsa)

That's it! Scramble it up, put the salsa on top & roll in a warm tortilla.

So good & so quick!

Happy weekend!

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