Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Audi was helping me take hangers to the laundry room.

Jaguar: When I get bigger, I gonna help you!

Me: When you get bigger, you are going to help me?

Jaguar: Yep.

Me: Wooooohooooooo! You bet your booty, woman! Ü

Ammunition. :o)

1 comment:

Rebecca M. said...

Too funny! I have a notebook that I keep - one for each kid- and it's divided into three sections: Teen years, adulthood and parenting. Everytime one of my kids says something like "I'll never make my kids eat veggies" or "I will never backtalk you when I am a teen" I write it in the book. Then, when they are older, we can take it out and use it against them :)