Thursday, June 11, 2009

Home sweet home.

We are flooding! And I am not kidding.

1.) Electricty went out @ 8:40 a.m.

2.) Loaded everyone up to leave - garage door won't open - no electricity!

3.) Pull both shoulders out of socket manually raising garage door!

4.) Put my imagination to use :) & used a plant hook to get garage door back down.

5.) Head to Sonic & drive around to kill time/check out storm damage.

6.) Cell phone rings - it's my dad. Very sweet. Very drunk. Sounding as if he was saying his final 'good-bye'....?

7.) Electric back on. We come home.

8.) Return to find water pouring out of an a/c vent?! Put towel & bucket underneath.

9.) Lock/gate everyone in formal living room 'wing' so they won't keep playing with bucket.

10.) Beautiful new pool dirty & overflowing, fortunately it has an overflow valve.

11.) Electricity off again.

12.) No tv (satellite) - movies only. Angry children.

13.) Electricity back on.

14.) Find water pouring in under the front door!

15.) Baby irate & screaming while dog yet again howls.

16.) Bentley discovers water pouring in from a light fixture, next to leaking a/c vent. Sweet!

17.) Decide to close garage door because of the torrential downpour.

18.) Open inside garage door to find big, huge soaking wet dog in our garage for shelter!

19.) Out of desperation, send all 4 children upstairs to play.

20.) OY!

21.) I just deleted my signature accidentally!

22.) OY!


Bridget said...

Oh my gosh! What an unbelievable day you've all had! After reading your post, I no longer feel like I can legitimately complain about my feet getting wet while I walked to the car this morning to go to work. Girl you've got me beat ten-fold! Hope nothing was ruined and it can all be put back to rights.

Colored With Memories said...

is it mean that i laughed all the way through this?!?

Rebecca M. said...

So sorry the storm did damage to La Money Pit....or should it now be called "La Water Pit"? Thankfully everyone is o.k. and no one was hurt. Everything else can be replaced or repaired.

Anonymous said...

OY! you are right. Speaking of OY.....have you talked to Michelle lately? from our old message boards?

Michelle said...

Hey Katie! How are you and that adorable baby girl of yours? Miss reading your updates.

Hope this isn't in poor taste to say hey to someone else on your blog, Melissa.