Thursday, June 5, 2008

I pray.

A lot. All the time. No matter where I am or what I'm doing. And if I say I'm praying for someone, I am. Every single person - personal friend, relative or stranger. If I say I'm praying, you can bet your tush I am. Don't assume just because I don't discuss it I don't do it. I just don't 'advertise' it. I'm not that way. It's not my personality.

"I'm not a say'er, I'm a pray'er"

By Melissa.

Made that up myself. lol :)


Jill said...

Thanks for being so real and great! I love reading your posts and looking at the pictures of your gorgeous children.

PS~Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog:O)

Anonymous said...

Melissa---you are truly a beautiful person. Will you pray for me and for Lily? That we get through this transition time and I can make it through it without pulling my hair out? Seriously.....


u know who said...

Is that like-gratitude attitude?