Friday, February 12, 2010

Snowday! 2.11.10.

Lots of photos! Ü

Jaguar. She was down, more than she was up!

Mercedes lost her shoes about 6 times.

Our dish was loaded with snow (& probably in shock :) which means we had no tv for 6 hours! Gasp! Hubby came home & saved the day. He is such a jack-of-all-trades. Well, not really. The guy can barely hammer a nail. But we love him. ♥

Double shirts, pants & socks = dirty shirts, pants & socks + dirty gloves & hats = lots of laundry!

A few more photos tomorrow! Ü

(no snapshots. all manual.)

1 comment:

Melissa Miller said...

Melissa this looks so fun! Your children are so precious and beautiful. You are a blessed family.

Thank you for entering my LL giveaway and your kind words on our Mr Chestnut kitty. He's my big ole' bud. He!

Happy Valentines Day!
~Melissa :)