Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bed jumper.

Let me narrate for you. ☺ I start laughing because hubby is to my left, jumping & spinning while Mercedes is jumping & spinning. Then, you see his funny, dork self lunge on her. Which they both thought was hilarious. The tape is then cut while he gets a rear chewing. ☺ Do you hear the background music? That is Audi, SINGING IN THE SHOWER! LOL He always sings in the shower & he had no idea I was taping Mercedes. ☺

Those are jammies on backwards (with the feet cut off). She can escape two or three wrappings of duct tape around her diaper, so we have no choice but to dress her in this attire @ naptime. It's quite a nuisance, really. I had to wake her from her nap today, so I didn't put her clothes back on. At bed time, we put socks on her, then footie jammies, then jammies with the feet cut out on backwards, in hopes of keeping her warm. I allow her to have a blanket now that she is older, but anything in her bed besides her Taggie gets thrown out. Anything extra doesn't have the privilege of sleeping with her. ♥


Rebecca M. said...

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Rebecca M. said...

such a cute video! I love how she says "I jump on your bed" in such a sassy way LOL! And BTW - you sound just like Kelly when you talk.

Mommy Brain said...

I love the diaper butt!!!!! I miss those days...and the sad thing is that when I had those days in my house, I didn't know I'd ever miss it.

You are so clever to put the jammies on backwards...way to go momma!