Showing posts with label Live clean.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live clean.. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2014

Shaklee's Basic H & Nature Bright to the rescue again!

Yesterday my daughter got chocolate ALL over her shirt. I swear I think she rolled in it. That girl. This shirt is almost brand new & had no stains. Ugh.

Today, I took Basic H & saturated all of the areas. I let it sit for a couple of hours. Then, I filled the washer & added Shaklee's detergent & Nature Bright. I turned the machine on for just a minute or two & then shut it off. For about 2 hours. Then, I ran the cycle.

Tada! Brand new again! I can't tell you how often this combination saves our clothes. No more trashing clothes due to stains!

Thanks, Shaklee!

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Friday, January 10, 2014

My laundry products. Every load, every day.

What so many detest, I love. I'm a laundry fanatic. I love doing laundry. Grocery shopping? Not so much.

I am the only person in my family permitted to do laundry. For 6 people, 5 beds, 2 dogs & all the extras. Just me. I am so particular about our clothing & cleanliness, that I just don't allow anyone to help wash. And I like it that way. And I'm pretty confident my family likes it that way. Ha!

I own about 10 laundry baskets. Each evening, when putting on jammies, everyone brings their dirty clothes down for the day. They place them on my washing machine & I then distribute them into the appropriate basket. I wash every color separately (dark blues/blacks, light colored towels/underwear/socks, white t-shirts, dark underwear/towels/socks, pinks, purples, greens, medium blues, reds, grays, browns, etc. Yes, I am that anal!) Clothes are expensive, so I take care of them. And I like for my family to look nice. I take pride in my family dressing nice. It doesn't have to be fancy-smancy, but it does have to be clean & wrinkle-free. That's I why I do all the laundry myself. So, to say I'm just a tad picky with my laundry products would be an understatement.

The photo you see above are the laundry products I use every day. Nothing more, nothing less. Every load, every day. I used to use Borax in every load of laundry, but I stopped purchasing & using that a few months ago. I've never looked back & I miss it none (saving that money is nice, too!). What you see in the photo above are the best laundry products on the market. They are healthy - they are natural, safe & non-toxic. And they are very effective & work exceptionally well. If they didn't work, healthy or not, I wouldn't use them, because they wouldn't meet my personal standards. But they do. I love them & will never, ever go back to store bought, chemical filled laundry products. Who wants all those toxins on & in your skin? Not me & not us. Our allergies have improved tremendously just by switching cleaning products & laundry products. I've used these products now for almost 2 years & I just can't say enough good things about them. Added bonuses? 1.) I order them online & they get delivered to my door. Three less products I have to shop for. 2.) They literally last for months (the big box of detergent lasts us a minimum of 4 months) & I don't have to reorder often. Yip!

Ok. So this is what I use:

Get Clean Fresh Laundry Concentrate (detergent). For a full load of clothes, I only use 1/4 cup. That's it! That's all it takes. Our clothes are (very) clean & have an extremely mild, soft scent. Nothing overbearing, hardly noticeable & no chemicals. This detergent comes in liquid or powder form, scented or unscented. I use the powder because it's less expensive. I ridiculously love it. Oh, one more thing. It keeps my darks, dark! No fading & I just love that fact! (This product is available in small & large size.)

Soft Fabric Fragrance Free Dryer Sheets. These are so cool & so different from traditional dryer sheets. Instead of soft, they have a rough, crunchy texture to them. I toss one in every single load & when the load is complete, I open the garage door & toss it in the recycling bin. They're biodegradable! Love them.

Nature Bright Laundry Booster & Stain Remover. I used to use this product in whites alone, but I now use it in every load, even darks. It freshens every load & is superior in removing stains. I've used it on my carpet, even, to remove a 5 year old carpet stain! I use it on my counters to whiten the grout. I use it any & everywhere I want to whiten & brighten & remove stains. Phenomenal.

That's it! Those 3 products are all I use to get our clothes fresh & clean. Shaklee does offer a fabric softener but I admit, I've never used it. I have never used fabric softener, so I've just never tried it. But I hear it's pretty darn good, too. Here's the link if you want to check it out: Soft Fabric Concentrate.

If you are searching for healthier laundry products, I urge you to try them. I promise, you'll love them! Heck, if you don't, just call Shaklee & let them know. Shaklee has a 100% money back guarantee. If you have any questions, email me & it will be my pleasure to help you. My email is:

Happy laundering!

(There are some links on the right sidebar ------> that show even more examples of how fantastic Shaklee's products are. Feel free to peek!)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Amazing homemade, non-toxic, disinfecting wipes!

Back story quickly - my oldest son suffers severely with allergies. 75% of his allergies are related to the outdoors. About 25% indoors. Nonetheless, when I quit using toxic, chemical cleaners in my home, my sons' allergies improved drastically & for the first time in 12 years, he didn't need medication daily to manage them. He went, literally, months, with no medication! He no longer suffered & for that reason alone, I will never, ever use store-bought cleaners again.

That said - wipes. We use them. With 4 kids & 2 dogs, we need them. Even though I no longer have a baby (sniff), I always continued to purchase baby wipes because they are convenient. But I ran out. We are battling colds, & while out shopping the other night, I picked up some disinfecting wipes & tossed them in my basket. As I continued to shop, I knew it was wrong buying those things. Yes, I wanted a disinfecting wipe this round, but I did not want that horrible, strong, overpowering smell, as well as the chemicals, back in my house. After 20 minutes, I went & put the wipes back & decided I would make my own.

And I did! This is my own process. :)


35 or so paper towels (I only use Walmart brand, white, select-a-size paper towels. Great price & great quality.)
16 oz. of prepared Basic G non-toxic disinfectant/germicide (more information on Basic G at the bottom of this post.)
Container (as you can see, I used an old Target baby wipe container.)

*The reason I chose to use prepared Basic G is because I wanted to be confident the ratio of cleaner/water formula was accurate. Using it already mixed properly, I now know my wipes are effective! No second guessing, hoping I got the ratio correct. Now I know I'm killing germs, without a doubt! You can use any disinfectant you prefer - I suggest you use it in it's 'ready to use' form. If you don't, you are guessing at the formula & there's a possibility you aren't killing any germs/bacteria. Basically, you'd be using cleaning wipes with water & touch of cleaner. I want to know my wipes are effective.

First, I triple folded the paper towels & placed them in the container:

I then took about 1/4 of them out, poured in my Basic G: (Originally, I just poured the solution on top, but noticed due to thickness, the middle & bottom wipes were dry - so I did it in steps.)

Added a few more & poured in Basic G - I did this to ensure all paper towels got wet, then I shook the container to distribute more of the solution:

And then...


Tip - I discovered if you triple fold unevenly (similar to baby wipes) - fold the first fold about 3/4 up & then fold the rest over - it will allow you a little flap, in which to grab & pull through the hole.

Tip - I added the entire 16 oz. bottle of cleaner, because the towels are thick & it took a lot. The wipes are just a tad too moist (bonus! Just squeeze the excess out in the sink - it's non-toxic, so it's ok!). Next time I'll try 3/4 of the bottle, instead, & see how that works. Obviously, if you make less wipes, use less cleaner. Shoot for less because you can always add more.

Took me 6 minutes to triple fold 35 paper towels. All together, making 35 homemade, non-toxic, disinfecting wipes took me 10 minutes. 10 minutes! I can't even get to the store, grab wipes, check out & be home again in 10 minutes! Winning! :)

I love them. Love, love, love them! My husband & I both have already used some. I will never buy store-bought, chemical & fragrance filled wipes again! I should have done this years ago!

Oh, & total price? To make a 16 oz. bottle of Basic G the cost is about $.05 cents. Paper towels, for 35, lets just say $.50 cents. So about $.55 cents & that's possibly a little high! Not bad, huh? Winning again! :)

**Check out the incredible Basic G. Click here! I will never use any other disinfectant & it lasts forever!! It's a huge bottle & because it's so concentrated, it has a 3 year shelf life. Basic G cleans, deodorizes & disinfects in one simple step! It is effective against more than 40 bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including: Salmonella, E-coli, Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Strep pathogens, Herpes simplex types I & II, HIV-1 (AIDS virus), Influenza-A/Hong Kong, Athletes Foot, Feline leukemia, Canine distemper, Rabies, and more. Basic-G is neutral pH, gentle to human skin, Kosher, EPA registered and environmentally friendly. And no residue left over! It's amazing!

Linking up: A Bowl Full of Lemons, Not Just a Housewife, Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, The Shabby Nest, House of Rose, By Stephanie Lynn, Alderberry Hill, Uncommon Designs , Huckleberry Love, Home Stories A to Z, Between Naps on the Porch

Monday, July 8, 2013

How to lubricate a wooden cutting board!

I love wooden cutting boards. I've used them for the last 25 years. My brother owns his own cabinet business & made my cutting boards for me for many years. Now I just buy them at store. I do not like butcher block, Bamboo or plastic. Just the simple, wooden boards.

Wooden cutting boards must be lubricated to prevent splitting, cracking, drying & breaking. Kind of like our feet. :)

I use Mineral Oil to treat my board, because it's safe to ingest & doesn't develop an odor over time. I recommend not using vegetable, canola or like oils because they are apt to become rancid & stain. I used to use vegetable oil before switching to mineral. I have used mineral oil for several years now & I love it. I think it keeps the board lubricated longer. I also love how my board sheens after treated! Pretty is so important, you know. :)

Application can vary & really, you can use any technique you want. I use use paper towels. The mineral oil really saturates the paper towels, making application coat really well.

(The above photo was taken right before I lubricated my board. It was on my island, under the light. My board looks really dry in the two photos below because when I moved my board to the sink, I forgot to turn the sink light on. I turned the light on as soon as I noticed. It actually looked like the photo above - I keep my board lubricated at all times.)

The first thing I do is pour a very generous amount of mineral oil onto my board. I like it good & thick for good coverage.

Then, I take my paper towel & just start rubbing & coating the board. (This task can get messy! Wear gloves if you deem necessary. After so long, the paper towel begins to disintegrate but it's ok, application still works & I wash off any paper towel residue when done.)

I make sure all areas are covered & because mineral oil is nice & shiny, I can see any areas that I missed. I even do the edges & sides of the board. When the front is done, I flip to the back & repeat.

After I'm done, I let it sit & absorb, for about 10 minutes or so. Then, I wash it with hot water & soap.

I am a hot water & soap kind of girl & almost everything I have & own gets washed that way, including my cutting board. By doing so, I know it's nice & clean. I do not put it in the dishwasher - I hand wash it. If over time the board begins to wear, I buy a new one. Easy peasy. I always stand my cutting board up to dry. After I wash it, I stand it up & lean it against my faucet in the sink. This board is on the large size, so it's a booger to wash, but I can still stand it up to dry. Forgot to take that photo - oops.

Here's my board, after completing all above steps! I treat my board about every 6 weeks, sooner if need be. My cutting board looks like this all the time! Nice & moisturized & pretty!

Happy lubing! Heehee. :)

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Linking up with: Uncommon Designs, Huckleberry Love, Home stories A to Z, Between Naps on the Porch, A Bowl Full of Lemons, Not Just a Housewife

Friday, June 7, 2013

Our weekend project!

I am so excited about this little project! This little back patio flowerbed just drives me crazy! Why the builders chose to stick it there, right next to our master bedroom windows, is beyond me. The landscaping here is just nuts. Too much, no consistency, you name it. Eight years later, we're still cleaning it up, clearing it out & replanting.

My plan this summer is to spend a lot of time outside. We do every summer, but moreso, this summer. So I deemed it the perfect weekend to rid this wet, moldy, smelly, unsightly flowerbed. When we first moved in, there were bushes in it, but I pulled those. Some were dying, some were thriving - yuck. They were hideous. I was going to plant flowers there & put down fresh mulch but because I want us to eat outside a lot, I've decided to fill it in!

Here's my plan. Up against one side of our back fence, they put a rock bed, enclosed with landscaping timbers. Why did they do that? There isn't another one anywhere on our property. It's ugly. It fills up with sticks & weeds. So, we're pulling the landscape timbers & relocating the stones over to the back patio flowerbed. Once the stones are laid, my husband wants to pour cement on top, to set the stones. What a great idea! And the only thing we need to purchase for this project is a bag of cement! Hello!? Winning!!

Can't wait to get started! By Sunday, I hope this icky area is gone & we can enjoy our food & drinks on the patio without the dirty, musty smell of the flowerbed.

Isn't such a fulfilling accomplishment to complete a project? Good-bye grossness! :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Time to clean...your washing machine!

If you say that just right, it rhymes. I'm a rhymer. :)

Get ready, because here come some pretty candid photos. Not only are the candid, they are disgusting. I'm embarrassed to show you these, but I'm going to do it anyway.

In my defense, I do wipe down my machine. I have to. I have a fuzzy husband. I wipe down the inside, run my finger inside the lid & run my rag along the top of the basket. That gets really dirty. But obviously, I haven't been cleaning inside my machine like I should. My clothes are presorted the minute they enter my laundry room. Meaning, I'm a busy mom. When I need to do a load, I walk in, pick up the (presorted) basket, adjust my settings (I only adjust two settings, even though my machine has many - the water level & the temperature - very seldom do I use any other settings), turn on the machine, add my amazing detergent, a scoop of Borax (no idea why I add Borax - but I've done it for years & years now) & add my Nature Bright, if needed. I then toss in my clothes, shut the lid & leave. I actually love doing laundry. I take such pride in my family. I enjoy taking care of their clothes & having them look nice.

So lets get started.

One day a few weeks ago, I went to throw in a load. This time, for whatever reason, I had my glasses on. Typically, I never, ever do, but that's another blog post. Anyway, I opened my machine to load & noticed, well, some grime on the basket. A LOT of grime. Ew!! I have never noticed that before. Probably because a.) the lighting in there isn't the best & b.) I don't usually have my glasses on. My machine is almost 10 years old (I only buy Whirlpool for this very reason! They last & last for me!) & I will tell you right now, I have NEVER cleaned that grime! Wanna see?

Yuck! Here's another:

It was also on my agitator.

Time to get cleaning & get rid of that filth! So I filled a bucket with hot (as hot as I could stand it) water & Basic H, grabbed my rag & got cleaning.

(Check it. I started using that $10 bottle of Basic H on May 25th. Of last year. LOL I use it for everything & I still have quite a bit left!)

I wiped down my entire machine & then went to work on the grime. Well let me tell you. I guess that crap had been there so long, it wasn't budging! Ok. Time to pull out ol' faithful. Time for Scour Off!

Worked like a charm, as I knew it would. Scour Off is a thick, heavy duty scouring paste (replaces toxic Ajax/Comet/Bar Keepers powders - Scour Off sticks where you put it, no powder, no fumes, no toxins, no gross smells. It's made with cherry pits & smells like cherries!). I put some on the end of my scouring brush, added some hot, plain, clean water which I had now put in my bucket, & scrubbed. Effortlessly, the grime came right off.

Look at that. Perfect, just perfect. You'd never know my machine had grime build-up for almost 10 years! I am just tickled with the results. My machine looks almost brand new!

To get in the tight areas, I used a q-tip. I'll have this information in another post where I show you how I clean tiny spaces, but for now, I wanted to remove all dirt off & out of my machine. When I still had hot water & Basic H in my bucket, I dipped the q-tip in the hot, soapy water & went around the edges.

Yes, it works. Works every time, no matter what I'm cleaning. See? Ick.

So, after all the labor (haha), which took me a whopping 20 minutes at the most, my machine looks fab. And grime free! I'm a happy camper. Isn't that purdy?

(Pardon the dirt on the floor in front of my machine. My husband had done yard work & then he came in & tossed his filthy socks on the floor. Sweet.)

Now put your glasses on & go peek in your machine. You never know what's been hiding in there!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Using & deodorizing humidifiers!

For many years, I have used a humidifier(s) when someone had a cold. I'd use them as needed & then store them away until needed the next time. Seems I'm always a day late & a dollar short, but this winter season, I am using humidifiers consistently. For a good month or so now, I have 4-5 humidifiers running 24/7. Hindsight being 20/20, I should have been doing this every winter. Texas has been (& typically is) so dry & now with running the house heater, there just isn't much moisture to be found.

A few months ago, my Shaklee Distributor shared a little humidifier tip with me - add a bit of Shaklee's Basic G Disinfectant to the water, to disinfect the machine & deodorize the water/air. So, of course, I did. Oh boy. I LOVE it! My machines & filters stay cleaner longer & I'm so happy knowing the mist coming from the humidifiers is sanitized! And of course, Basic G is non-toxic, so I don't have to worry about myself or my family breathing any toxic chemicals! Love, love, love!

I use small humidifiers, so the tanks aren't huge. When adding Basic G, I don't measure. It's highly concentrated & a tiny bit goes a very long way - so I just add a tad. Just a teeny amount. All of my humidifiers are cool-mist, so I then add cold water. It starts to foam up just a bit, but the bubbles dissipate immediately.

All of my machines have filters, except for one. I have one Vicks machine that has no filter. When adding G to that one, if I add too much, the machine starts sweating & everything gets soaked around it. I have to be very careful not to use too much with that one. But the others are fine. Should I add just a bit too much, they work fine. No condensation at all.

Because I run them daily, I keep a close eye on the filters. When they start to discolor and/or begin growing mold/bacteria, I replace them. The standard filters can be purchased anywhere & I always keep a few extra on hand. Rule of thumb is to replace them every few months to prevent contaminated water being released into the air. Ew.

Though it's a pain in the rear (trust, it is), I rinse/clean mine daily & refill with fresh water. I never let mine run while dry & I never let mine sit with water in them when not in use. I strive to keep them working effectively & efficiently. I keep the smaller units in each bedroom & the slightly larger Vicks unit in the downstairs area. I also keep a hygrometer upstairs & down, so I can monitor the moisture. I don't ever want it to reach & stay over 50%.

Also, you can add a bit of essential oil to your water, too, if you want your rooms to smell yummy. I haven't tried that yet, but I plan to. I love vanillas & cinnamons & soothing fragrances, so I plan to pick some of those up soon.

Being a family of 6, with 3 kids in school & the youngest in dance weekly, I think we've had a pretty mild winter concerning illnesses. A month or so ago, my husband & I got Bronchitis (we have got to take our vitamins consistently! Doh!) & my youngest son go it, too. His stemmed from allergies. After that, the girls & I got colds & then my husband did. My boys did not. That's it! I think that's pretty good being this is the first of January.

Between vitamins, humidifiers & now flu shots, everyone is healthy & has been, since the colds ended. We don't even have one runny nose. And that makes for one very happy mom!

Follow me on Facebook! Click here!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Featured product - Shaklee's Get Clean Fresh Laundry Concentrate!

I love, love, love Shaklee's Get Clean Fresh Laundry Concentrate silky powder! Simply delish, with no harmful chemicals! It's natural, biodegradable & hypoallergenic, with no phosphates or chlorine. I began using this particular 14 lb. box on Nov. 1st. We are a family of 6 & I do a lot of washing! I just now filled my jar up for the 2nd time & you can see in the bag how much is remaining. I used it 30 days in Nov., 30 days in Dec., Jan. & Feb. for the current jar & then a 3rd refill! Wow! This box is going to last me approximately 5+ months! For a full load, it only takes 1/4 cup - just a tiny bit. The scent is mild & yummy. I just can't say enough good things about it - including how clean & soft our clothes are (I'm VERY picky & take very good care of our clothes!) In addition, it makes me so happy that I no longer use a chemical detergent that gets absorbed through our skin! Read all about it & purchase yours here: Get Clean Fresh Laundry Concentrate.

I love to do laundry! Happy laundry to you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I cleaned my freezer!

This here is one exciting post, let me tell you. I cleaned my freezer! Fun stuff.

Our poor, little frig/freezer. This thing is old. We've lived here now for 7 (I can't believe we've made it this long!) years, in the previous house 7 years so - 14 years old. A few weeks ago, I thought it was going out. But so far so good! We don't have an ice maker. It went out years ago & we just never got it fixed. We use ice trays! Remember ice trays? Would it be more convenient for a family of 6 to have an ice maker? Of course! But I don't complain. We are so completely blessed - I'll take the ice trays. :)

Truth - I don't clean my freezer (or frig) often. I'm a 'wipe as you go' kind of person, so deep cleaning isn't something I really think about. That said, a few weeks ago, my husband left the freezer door open all night & we lost all food (ouch!). So I took the opportunity to scrub it up.

Here's the before:

Pretty icky under the bottom basket & in the side trays.

And the tight areas? I clean them. All. Everywhere. I find something that will fit in the tight area & clean away! Those spaces, wherever they are in your home, need to be cleaned, too, not ignored. That's a butter knife I have stuck inside my cleaning cloth in order to slide it inside that tight area. I use knives, toothpicks, q-tips, whatever for those itty spaces.

Here's the after! It really did need to be cleaned - I'll definitely be cleaning my freezer/frig now on a regular basis.

Even though inside a running freezer proves challenging to keep surfaces wet, I went ahead & used my favorite (Shaklee) Basic G. I at least made an attempt at killing any germs inside the freezer, even though I couldn't leave it wet for the standard 10 minutes. I sprayed G on my cloth, getting it good & wet, & wiped away! I switched to a new cleaning cloth, after the cloth was soaked & dirty, before continuing to clean.

Next on the agenda? The frig. Can't wait!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Electrasol and/or Finish vs. Shaklee's Dish Washer Concentrate!

I always knew our glasses had a white film in them. Obviously, I just ignored it. Until one day in June, after washing a load with Shaklee's Dish Washer Concentrate, & I pulled these two glasses out. The left washed prior with Electrasol/Finish (that's all I ever used for years), the right with Shaklee. It was at that time it really occurred to me - what in the sam hills have we been drinking with our drinks & eating with our food?

Knowing the glass on the left had been washed at approximately 20 times (possibly less, because they are semi-new & I have a ton of them), I decided to go & purchase a brand new glass that had never been washed, & wash it the same number of times for a comparison. Is there really a difference in dishwasher detergents?

I purchased the glass the first of September. Because it's new, there's been no product or chemicals in this glass. I bought this solely to compare Shaklee's Dish Washer Concentrate to the commercial dishwasher product I had been using for years.

I took a photo of the glass, then directly placed it in the dishwasher. I never removed it, until I had washed the glass 20 consecutive times. Every time I washed a load & washed that particular glass, I recorded it on my dry erase board. (Good possibility I actually washed it over 20 times, as I think I forgot to record it a time or two.)

When I reached 20 washings, I pulled it out. This is the result - some water spots.

I'm not sure which glass I used that is in the first photo (I forgot to set it aside for the experiment), so I just used this old applesauce jar I drink out of for the comparison. And of course, you can compare it to the first photo, as well. The results, obviously, are self-explanatory. I don't know what the white residue is from the Electrasol/Finish, but it's not real simple to wipe off. I am so disgusted with myself that I ignored whatever chemical it is & allowed my family to continue to eat & drink from our dishes. Yuck.

Don't do what I did. You & your family are ingesting those remaining chemicals. Go here to buy your own Get Clean Dish Washer Concentrate. Better yet, go here & buy an entire Get Clean kit. Not only are they green & safe, they are less expensive than commercial cleaners & they last forever!

Any change is better than no change at all - please, get the toxic, harsh chemicals out of your home once & for all. I love to clean & I will only use products that work. Trust me - toxins just aren't necessary to have a clean, healthy home!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How I clean & how we stay healthy during cold & flu season!

Two school years ago, illnesses ran rampant through the schools. So much so, the district considered closing schools for a week or two, to try to rid the bacteria/germs. That never happened & plenty of children missed unbelievable amounts of sick days. My kids were not exempt. Mine missed anywhere between 10-14 days or so. It was horrible! I believe it was at that time my oldest was getting Strep after Strep after Strep. We actually were referred to an ENT but suddenly, the Strep disappeared, & has yet to return! Bents hasn't had Strep in almost 1.5 years & I am so thankful, because Strep makes him just almost deathly ill. Last school year was much, much better. My kids missed between 1-5 days. That's a huge difference! Everyone felt so much better, which makes life so much happier. I also tweaked some cleaning efforts & I really think that helped, too. Hoping for another calm season this year!

At our home, when someone is sick, they get quarantined in their room. Not much fun, but necessary. We are a family of six, so we try diligently to not pass the germs. I do a lot of spraying & wiping. Spraying & wiping. Everywhere!

Back then, I used harsh chemicals. Blah. Was probably doing more harm than good. Anyway, my procedures haven't changed, but my products did. It's only all-natural Shaklee for us now. And really, I couldn't be more pleased. Now, during cold & flu season, I use one product alone. Basic G. An amazing, effective, all-natural disinfectant. I use it along with a washcloth rag.

Basic G works the same as other disinfectants. You spray & let it sit & let it dry. Boom. Done. Goodbye bacteria. Goodbye germs. Goodbye viruses.

Soak your cloth with Basic G, wipe/clean whatever hardware you desire, making sure it is amply wet & then let it dry! It's that simple! Its residual effectiveness lasts up to three (yes, three!) days after application. (Psst - if you don't want to use a cloth with the spray, Shaklee has Germ Off wipes, which serves the same purpose, just a tad more convenient. They are equally effective!) Also, very important - Basic G kills 32 pathogens, while Lysol only kills 8 pathogens! Just another reason I am on fire for Shaklee!

Moving right along...

Light switches.

Door knobs.

(I thought I'd use our beat up master bath door & knob. Ha!)

All faucets. All faucet handles. Same with the tub/shower. Toilets. Lid, seat, inside toilet (yes, I actually spray the inside of the toilet or, you can dump Basic G in the water, as well), handle, everything. Heck, if you don't have time to wipe with a cloth, then just spray! Saturating with the spray & letting it air dry will still kill germs! It just needs to remain on the surface for a minimum of 10 minutes. Some people first clean with Basic H & then spray with G. I just use G. It cleans & cleans well, so typically, I spray what I need to clean, let it sit 10 minutes & wipe it away with my cloth. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. I love, love, love it!

Something else I changed quite some time ago is changing out the bathroom towels every single day. I used to change them out every 2 or 3 days - whenever they were 'dirty'. Hello!? Doh! They're dirty every day! So now they get replaced daily & the bathrooms are just so much fresher!

No, these are not the only hand towels I have. I have tons, since I go through so many. They do not all match & that will be changing very soon! From here on out, I will only buy white towels. And hand towels. And wash cloths. I'm looking forward to having all of them match. Will make washing more simple, too. And yes, my whites are very white, thanks to Nature Bright. I honestly don't know how I ever lived without it.

Here is a photo of our 3rd bathroom sink. This sink (& toilet, but it's at the other side of the room) gets used approximately 5,000 times a day. Or, a lot. I always keep it clean & now that I use all-natural products, the kids clean it, too. All natural products have many advantages. ;o)

So. In addition to keeping the house spic'er & span'er, we take only the best vitamins on the market. It is worth the extra few dollars to know my family is getting the best & they're keeping us healthy. My kids take these every morning with their breakfast.

Don't be fooled - not all children's vitamins are the same! Many ingredients in over the counter children's vitamins are unhealthy (dyes, etc.) & unnecessary. If in doubt, Google. Lots of information on Google.

The other day I have commented that I had forgotten to take my vitamins & as a result of that, I had gotten sick. Of course, I took them immediately & the next day, I was completely fine. Been fine ever since. I love NutriFeron & I won't miss a day again, that's for sure! My husband has recently started taking them too.

So here's to a clean cold & flu season! Happy health!