Showing posts with label Live Inspired ♥. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Live Inspired ♥. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

Probably the best blog post I have EVER read.


And if you read that post, that explains why I've been MIA. Have no fear, I'll be back.

Make it a beautiful, amazing weekend! Ü

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

They share my passion.

There are many characteristics I hope to pass to my children. Confidence, enthusiasm, morals, zest, work ethic, devotion, honesty, determination, sincerity, hope, desire, strength, trust, faith, courage, happiness, completeness, emotion, quality, goals, contentment, obedience, respect. But without passion, there's no drive. And with no drive, there's no success to accomplishing the above.

I possess & express passion. My children witness my passion & for me to witness theirs is a dream come true.

It's who I am.

It's what I do.

It's how I live.

Adoring the Passion.

My husband has just returned safely from Hungary. Earrings tomorrow.

Live brightly! ♥

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Live out loud.

We bought socks! Ü

I don't have that heartwarming story of how when I was was growing up, I had that strong desire to be a mother. I never really desired to have more than one or two children. I never even considered being a mom, really - I guess I assumed when the time was right, I'd make the decision to become a mom (like that happened). As a matter of fact, years ago I distinctly remember talking to my employees & making the comment "I'll love my children, but they'll be in daycare as soon as I'm able to return to work!" Oh yes I did! Ha! :)

I did know I always wanted a girl. I didn't/don't have that gushy-gushy relationship with my mom & I guess down deep, I always hoped to have a girl so I could do things differently. I got my girl. I got two girls! And who woulda thunk I'd have girls who adore bright colors & desire to wear funky mismatches? Right up my alley. And I've learned to so appreciate their innocence, so appreciate that they don't care what others think & how they like to dress to make themselves happy. Isn't that the way it should be?

So funky socks it is. Funky anything it is. I don't desire to tell them no, I don't desire to take their individuality & I don't desire to change them & make them something they are not. They are perfect! And so are their socks. Aren't these fab? No, this isn't all of them, the others are in the wash. Ü

And can I just add that I am tickled pink that Jaguar never wears a matching pair? I don't even pair her socks up anymore because she'll just separate them. She is (unfortunately), however, becoming more aware of her appearance & she's now putting pinks with pinks, etc. Except for today - she wore pink shorts with a red shirt. And totally unrelated socks. I couldn't have been more proud.

So what do I think? Live out loud! Wear those funky socks. Be true to yourself. Who cares what others think! One thing's for certain, I'm going to learn a lot from my girls. And I can't wait. ♥

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To Galveston we went!

Friday. Got the kids off to school. Fed Mercedes. Rushed to shower. Had packed snacks the night before (Bentley spotted them & I had to fib to my kids - which I never do! - told him I was cleaning out the pantry. Ha!) so that was done, but had to pack all clothes & toiletries, etc. Got it all accomplished (ahead of schedule, thank you), dropped the dogs off at the vet, checked in with hubby, went & withdrew Bentley from school first (but never told him why & Mercedes didn't even spill the beans! Good girl. :) & then went & picked up the other two. Mercedes did reveal the secret at that time - "we're goin' to the beach!" she exclaimed. They were all so excited, screaming & yelling with their hands in the air; that is why I do what I do! That is why I adore spontaneous adventures. That is why when others deem my adventures 'ridiculous' - oh hell no. I do it because of them. And that will never change. I have no desire for it to. Surprising them, no matter how short the adventure is (or how old they are!), I will do forever. And my children love our spontaneous fun! ♥

So we came home, grabbed the hubby & off we went! Nintendos packed, movies packed, snacks ample - we headed out for a 5 hour drive. Which turned into a 7 hour drive due to traffic, construction, dinner, blah, blah, blah. But who cares! We didn't. :)

Got in late evening (you know, not planning for a little trip = no reservations ;o), found a room, scoped out the room & the balcony, got everyone set & hit the bed. Beach on Saturday!

And beach we did. It was so very windy! An overcast day, very warm temps & to the beach we went. I wanted pictures galore - so this trip I packed my camera bag (typically I don't) & all my camera lenses (typically I don't). Woohoo! I was ready for some beautimous photos! But my freshly camera battery died. Kapoot. Deader than a doorknob. I was just sick. I didn't get one dadgum photo with it.

So, we chilled at the beach, swam in the pool, chilled in the room & then readied for dinner at Gaido's! We ♥ Gaido's. Everyone looked so cute all ready for dinner & I forgot to snap a photo of everyone with my cell phone! Grr. It was raining by Saturday evening & rained all night. Complete awesomeness.

Sunday around 4:00 a.m.'ish, I was (quietly) screaming & gasping with stomach pains. I woke hubby up because I seriously thought something was wrong. Waking hubby up = waking everyone up. Ugh. After vomiting numerous times (you're welcome for that little tidbit of information :) all was ok, but none of us got much sleep after that (Mercedes also woke up @ the very same time, screaming with tummy pains! Her issue though is requiring a GI Specialist's assistance). You know what I love so much about hotels? The continental breakfasts. We won't stay in a hotel that doesn't offer it. Hubby always takes the kids down to breakfast & brings me back my breakfast. Love that! Sunday turned out to be an icky day - actually very chilly (felt great!), raining & the wind again was tremendous (on this trip, the wind blew my new prescription sunglasses on the concrete & chipped the lenses, & blew my cell phone on the concrete cracking the glass! Oy.) We decided to pack it up & head out - taking our time on our way home & stopping along the way if there was something we wanted to see. Our trip home was actually much quicker than going.

And that - was our crazy, unplanned, last-minute adventure! I'm so glad we did it. And so glad we'll be doing it again. Galveston is one of our most favorite places ever! ♥

Here are the few random photos I snapped with my cell phone:

Our clean, organized room:

Saturday at the beach:

(The water was as dirty as the sand due to Tropical Storm Lee. And look how far back our chairs/umbrella were! I kept telling hubby the "ocean is low". Ha! I just noticed this - see the four children who all have a foot in the air? Those are my four. LOL :)

The amazing rainbow as we headed to dinner. If you look very closely, to the right, you will see a double rainbow! Oh how I wish my Canon had been working. They were just beautiful, but my cell phone was unable to capture the true beauty & clarity.

We visit Galveston often. One particular visit, five years ago to be exact, I had to see a dr. because I needed an antibiotic. Guess what arrived today? The bill. Five years later. LOL :)

Make it a happy week! The choice is yours. Ü

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane!

Ok, that's a lie. We're leaving in a Tahoe. Ü

We didn't really take a vacation this year - we had our first 'staycation'. Yearly, on Labor Day, we head to the lake. Not this year. With the drought/lack of rain/extremely high temps = unsafe, bacteria filled lakes. Not going to risk it. So at the drop of a hat today, I decided to get the kids out of school early tomorrow & head to Galveston for a few days! I've got the dogs scheduled to board & other than that, we're just winging it! I'll drop the dogs off tomorrow a.m., pack clothes & necessities, check the kids out, load up the hubby & off we go! The kids have no idea, as I've kept it a secret.

They will be thrilled! Woot! :)

And because a post with no photos stink, here's a snapshot I took a few weeks ago after baths.

I hope to return with lots of photos! Indulge in some spontaneity & have a beautiful weekend! Ü

Monday, July 11, 2011

My heart skipped a beat.

My kids love to paint.

They get quiet. They concentrate. They focus. It's almost as if painting takes them to a serene, peaceful place. Typically, we just paint on paper. A few weeks ago, though, I found these little canvas sheets. Different sizes, different thickness. I wasn't sure if I even had the proper paints, but I grabbed some canvases anyway. Gosh I'm so glad I did. Opening up the canvases was like discovering Christmas.

(Had to blur Bent's school name on his shirt.)

I'm not the type of mom who displays her children's art/work around the house. I might keep a few pieces & if I do, I usually put their artwork in their room. Not sure why that is - I guess I've never really thought about it.

But for whatever reason, when they finished these particular canvas paintings - it's the weirdest thing - it's as if my heart skipped a beat. And trust me, the below photo does not do the paintings justice. (It looks like there's some sort of film on my lens - maybe I can get a better photo later.) I gasped as I looked at their finished pieces.

(In order: Bentley, Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes.)

They are bright, they are vibrant & they are beautiful! Maybe it's the fact that they so enjoyed painting them or maybe it's the fact that they were so determined to make a beautiful art piece. Maybe it's the simple fact that I captured on canvas what represents them at their current, individual ages. I don't know. What I do know is that, for the first time ever, I'm framing these pretties & hanging them on my living room wall. I love them. And I want to love them for a long, long time. Honestly? I'm thinking my house will soon be covered in personal canvas paintings created by my talented little people. Can't wait! ♥

And this is why I'm changing the name of my blog. Life, to me anyway, is about the simple things. It doesn't take money. It doesn't take elaborate. It doesn't fame. It takes the simple & that's what makes life, life. For all of us, it's right under our nose. We all have it. Live inspired & adore the simple! Join me.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog with Integrity.


1: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility

2: an unimpaired condition : soundness

3: the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness


Blog with Integrity

By displaying the Blog with Integrity badge or signing the pledge, I assert that the trust of my readers and the blogging community is important to me.

I treat others respectfully, attacking ideas and not people. I also welcome respectful disagreement with my own ideas.

I believe in intellectual property rights, providing links, citing sources, and crediting inspiration where appropriate.

I disclose my material relationships, policies and business practices. My readers will know the difference between editorial, advertorial, and advertising, should I choose to have it. If I do sponsored or paid posts, they are clearly marked.

When collaborating with marketers and PR professionals, I handle myself professionally and abide by basic journalistic standards.

I always present my honest opinions to the best of my ability.

I own my words. Even if I occasionally have to eat them.

I am encouraged to now blog with integrity. Why? Because I'm worth it. Because I deserve it. So does everyone else. And because there is always room for improvement.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Speaking of Jaguar.

The girl is crazy. I'm telling you - she's from another planet. And I love it. It's what makes her, her. Just like her big hair. Ü

Jags has one mode - SLOW. It's enough to just about send the remaining 5 of us over the edge. She gets in no hurry & she doesn't care. That's who she is & what she is & all she knows - slow.

In the mornings, well, they aren't much fun. She comes downstairs slow. She moseys up to the table slow. She eats slow. And God forbid she has to use the bathroom - that's another story. The boys have begun picking up her lunch box & water bottle just to help get the girl out the door. She's oh so frustrating, but so hilarious all at the same time.

The bathroom. Dear oh dear. When she goes in the bathroom, you can bank on not seeing her again for quite some time. And she's six. Such a joke in our family when we watch her trot off to the bathroom. We all just kind of watch her head that direction, shrug our shoulders, & then we forget about her. After about 20 minutes or so, one of us will say "so, you think she flushed herself? Taking a bath in the sink? Fingerpainting the pedestal again?" (She did that one time. She painted the pedestal (sink) with red frosting. I have no clue how long it had been there, but I discovered it a few weeks ago.) Sooner or later she'll come moseying out, not a care in the world, sit back down & finish her meal like nothing had ever happened. Cracks us up. She's a riot.

I have warned the males in the home that they haven't seen anything yet. If the girl can stay in the bathroom this long at age six, just wait until she does her own hair & puts on makeup. Holy. Cow. She may have to start the night before if she plans on getting anywhere on time. I have no idea what the future holds, but I'm pretty certain, there's gonna to be lots of "get out of there!!!"s. What a blessing we have 3 bathrooms. God knew we were going to need them all one day. Ü

(Her '100th day of school' poster. It now hangs in her room. :o)

She is so adorable. Thinks life is one big party. (That doesn't exactly mesh well with school work however, I do believe she's going to make it to 1st grade!) Takes absolutely nothing too serious. She just has fun & it's so innocent. I do believe by now, she has invited approximately 75 people to our home, for different occasions. Most of those 75 people are teachers. I've had a lot of explaining to do.

After school started, she invited everyone over to swim in our pool. That was interesting.

Then she invited everyone over to see her newly redecorated room.

Then there was Christmas. They all got invited to Christmas.

Then she invited everyone over for her birthday party. She even made her own invitations & passed them out. My kids don't have birthday parties (that is fixing to change! Life is about celebrating. Thank you, Kelle Hampton!) One teacher felt so bad she couldn't make the party. That led to more explanations from mom. :)

And now, there's Raymond. We have no clue who Raymond is, but he's coming over to spend the night. She's talked about him for the last 3 weeks. She's informed us what they're going to do, what food I need to have in the home for his visit, what jammies she needs, where he's going to sleep, blah, blah, blah. So funny.

The teachers love her. Everyone loves & comments on her hair. She is such a mess, typically any given day they put her in the car, the teacher is giggling (usually I'll look at the teacher, mumble "pray for us" & drive off. Heehee.) Getting her home is like getting her out the door in the mornings. She is so disorganized, sometimes she'll be holding items in her mouth. Hair all amock. Coat hanging 1/2 on 1/2 off. Filthy clothes (not the condition she left in!). Dragging her backpack. Yet again, sometimes her brothers have her lunch box & water bottle. Or, she tossed it in her backpack, open. I cringe when I open her lunch box. God only knows what I'm going to find. And, the dirt. Oh good heavens the dirt. It's like she rolls in the dirt every day. Last week, I discovered she took her school scissors to her blue jeans. And today, her new orange shirt. Anyway, I feel like we need to invest in a power washer just to clean her & her belongings.

But oh she's delightful. So naturally full of life. But can break into tears at any given moment, usually regarding an issue that makes no sense whatsoever. But again, that's just who she is. I absolutely cannot imagine my life without my whacky girl!

And I do believe I could learn a few things from my goofy six year old - not to take things so seriously. Lighten up. Let it go. I have made great strides, but she's a necessary reminder that I still have a ways to go.

Inspiration is everywhere. Even in a precious six year old. Life is short. Live! Ü

Friday, December 31, 2010

A Simple Guide(s).

~A Simple Health Guide~

1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince
and dinner like a princess. 3. Eat foods that grow on trees or plants.
4. Live with energy, enthusiasm and empathy. 5. Sleep 8 hours nightly.
6. Practice yoga, meditation & prayer. 7. Sit in silence 10 minutes a day.

~A Simple Life Guide~

1. Do the right thing. 2. The best is yet to come.
3. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
4. However good or bad a situation is it will change.
5. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
6. Your inner most is always happy, so be happy.
7. God heals everything.

I found this so inspiring. Thank you so much, Melissa, for sharing.

Happy New Year! ♥

Thursday, November 11, 2010

From sadness to light.

That is what her son, Michael, wanted for Marie. To see her transform from "sadness to light".

I love Marie Osmond. I watched her interview today on Oprah. My heart breaks & hurts for her. The love she has for her son is so obvious. He passed away in February & it doesn't appear her grief has eased any. It probably never will. She was so strong today when she told her story. As usual, she carried herself with such dignity & class. She is so beautiful inside & out & I honestly believe she is one terrific, loving mother to her children.

As heartbreaking as it was, I tried not to cry today. Instead, I focused on her story & I listened. After watching her sing her beautiful song, dedicated to Michael, I was struck. Struck with one revelation:

Life is short. The future is unknown. The little things? Let them go.

The little things don't matter. The memories made along the journey, do. Marie now has to live with memories of Michael because that's all she has. That's really all we all have.

Bentley not eating his veggies & forgetting to turn in homework? It doesn't matter.

Audi's constant tattling & elevated ego? It doesn't matter.

Jaguar not eating her lunch & goofing off in Kindergarten when she should be focusing? It doesn't matter.

Mercedes skipping naps, rising at 6:00 a.m. daily & frequent tantrums? It doesn't matter.

Sure, those things matter. But not in the big picture. Is it really worth devoting so much time & energy (& misery) on issues that won't last forever? Until today, I thought so. Now, not so much. It's ironic how you can see or hear one thing, & it so profoundly impacts you, that changes are implemented immediately. That's what I admire so much about inspiration. Inspiration is everywhere, free for the taking. It's up to us whether or not we grasp, appreciate & apply the gift of inspiration.

My greatest fear in life has always remained the same - that my children will grow up hating me. I remember, from age 5, hating my mother. Now that I am a mother, I am terrified my children will grow up hating me. As time has moved on, I now have two greatest fears. Add to the first, that I am very fearful something will happen to one of my children. This is a discussion my husband & myself have often. I have informed my husband should anything detrimental happen to any of my children, I will need to be medicated. My thought process can't even comprehend something happening to my children. My children are my life. How would I live through it? Could I live through it? My mother tells me I will, because I have no other choice. Marie Osmond is so strong. As she stated today, she has to be. She has other children that need her.

My parenting is something I am constantly analyzing & changing. Am I doing it right? Am I doing it wrong? Am I being fair? Too harsh? Am I losing sight that my children are, well, children? Are my expectations too high? I am stern with my children. And more often than not, I catch myself repeating the pattern of my childhood. I don't desire to do that. I desire to loosen up. Slow down. Breathe. Play. Live. Laugh. Have fun. Build beautiful, happy memories that last a lifetime. And we do all of those things. But as I was reminded today, do more. Now. Stop sweating the small stuff. Break the rules. Let it go & enjoy life. There are no second chances & we get no do-overs. We'd better do our best to get it right the first time. I am a firm believer that never, ever, ever is it too late. It's never to late to begin again, to say you're sorry, to give that hug you forgot to do this morning. It's never too late to make good on a promise that escaped your mind amidst the busyness. It is never too late to declutter & reprioritize life because it may just be the only chance you get.

Soon after Michael's death, Marie returned to the stage because as she said today, the stage is her "security". Good for her. Good for her for doing what's best for her, & for doing what brings her comfort & peace during such a painful time in her life. I don't know Marie Osmond personally, but I'm praying for her. I would think anyone who loses a child would need & welcome all prayers. I commend her for sharing her story, for finding the strength to carry on, & I wish her & her family love & all the best.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Victory in Jesus - Bo Steele.

I don't know who he is - but what I do know is that I'd pay good money to go listen to him sing. Amazing! Can I get an amen? ♥

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Another blog that stopped me in my tracks.

Absolutely stunning.

Live inspired. Always.

Friday, September 24, 2010

If I Had My Life To Live Over - Erma Bombeck.

I read this poem years ago. Literally, years ago. I have never forgotten about it & I try to remember her words every chance I get. Today I looked up the poem & decided to share it with you. Happy weekend. Ü

If I Had My Life To Live Over

by Erma Bombeck

The following was written by the late Erma Bombeck
after she found out she had a fatal disease.

If I had my life to live over, I would have talked less and listened more.

I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.

I would have eaten the popcorn in the 'good' living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.

I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.

I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.

I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watching life.

I would have shared more of the responsibility carried by my husband.

I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.

I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn't show soil or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.

When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, "Later. Now go get washed up for dinner."

There would have been more "I love you's".. More "I'm sorrys" ...

But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it ... live it...and never give it back.

© Erma Bombeck

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Most photos ever in one post. Camping!

Spite hubby's truck breaking down the morning we were to leave, spite arriving at 8:30 p.m. to find the state park we planned to camp at closed (due to flooding), spite running my battery down resulting in my car not starting the following morning & spite the miserable heat -

It was fantastic! Ü

Here was our view. Beautimous!

Going to check out the lake.

Saturday afternoon, this little cove became our saving grace. We were so hot, we actually came down here & got in to cool off. Even Bray walked in the water & laid down. If it weren't for this cove, more than likely we would have packed up & headed home due to the extreme heat.

Saving grace #2.

Yay! Got it running. Thanks AAA.


This little tyke spent a lot of her time in the car with the a/c on, watching a movie. Smart girl. Sometimes I'm in the photos. See?


Old enough now to fake smile. Sigh.

Bored? Hot? Both?

Sweat! I was so concerned about my kids in the heat.

I found a clip & pulled her hair up! That helped. A smidgen.

Jaguar faired well. She's tough.

Audi skeptical about roasting.

Gettin' dirty! :)


Typically I don't take this many photographs of wildlife. But there were so many, I was mesmerized. ♥ nature. There's just nothing like it.

Great shot! ♥

We are so excited to camp again! But never again in the heat. Didn't I say the very same thing about having a garage sale? Ü

There's just something about being in the out of doors. Living in nature. Smelling, listening, breathing, seeing, appreciating. Ultimate stress reliever (unless your car won't start & you're stranded at a camp ground. Teehee. ;o). And other campers? Friendliest people around. As we were pulling out Sunday morning, our neighbor campers came running up. Why? His truck wouldn't start & he needed a jump. LOL

I encourage you. Go camping. Try it. Don't let life go by without experiencing the great outdoors. Don't worry - most camp grounds have indoor potties & showers. Live! Ü