Showing posts with label Jaguar.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jaguar.. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy 8th Birthday, Jaguar! I adore you! ♥

Thursday, July 12, 2012


(Currently obsessed with splashing. This is Jaguar.) ♥

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Me: "Do you know what you are? You're a 'tomboy'. Do you know what a 'tomboy' is? Have you ever heard that before?"

Jaguar: "Yep. I said it today to Tom. I said 'hey, Tomboy!'"

OMG. LOL Girl is hysterical. I love her!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dr. or no Dr.?

Thursday evening after she fell: (That is not blood under her lip, that is actually immediate bruising from smacking her mouth on the marble. She also has bruising under her chin.)

This morning (Friday):

I am not at all happy with the way her mouth looks this a.m. My main concern right now is infection.

**Two days later, I finally got to the bottom of Jags' injury. Evidently, she fell on the carpet, not the marble. I wasn't understanding that because this is such a nasty injury. She was running, tripped on a toy, & busted her mouth on the tv table on the way down. Even though I can't stand looking at it, her mouth is in really good condition today. Still gross, but even the swelling is dissipating. I've laid off the Motrin. My girl is such a trooper. ☺

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jaguar's photo shoot 9.20.09.

She was showing me a plane & I snapped the photo. ☺

OMGosh! I have outdone myself! Have I said that before? No, truly. This time is it! I have a whole new way of editing photos (more sophisticated!) & I'm just tickled pink! When I get my new Canon lenses in - look out world! Here I come! ☺

Friday, September 18, 2009

The return of the ponytail.

Yay! Her hair has finally grown out enough to put it back in a ponytail! Oh how we have missed the ponytail. Isn't she just so petite & beautiful? ♥

I asked her for a smile. Um, that's not exactly the smile I was going for, Jaguar! She must have forgotten her signature smile. ☺

She's something else. And quite hysertical too, may I add. ☺

Monday, September 14, 2009


What a sweet kiss. ☺ As you can see, Jaguar is clearly kissing Mercedes. Mercedes, however, is not kissing Jaguar. As she is grabbing Jaguar's hand, she is thinking "get your arm off me sister, or you're going down!" And yes, Mercedes can take her sister 'down' in 2 seconds flat. The good news is, Jaguar always comes back up giggling. Love these girls! :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Bon Bons.

Pink with lots of glitter. I ♥ she's so girly. ☺

My dad is right - "there's just something about having girls". Love painting her toes. Love seeing her all happy & giddy. Love telling her how beautiful she is. Love my girl. ♥

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

One of these is not like the other.

There really nothing further I can say regarding above snapshot. ;o)


Audi to Jaguar: Did you know that our taste bugs change as we gwow? ☺

I've realized Kosh & Audi have a lot in common. The more you rub their head & tell them they're cute, the more they both become complete show-offs! ☺

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Her & him.

Here is my Jaguar with her new, short 'do. It's so cute. But it's so not her. I've always said that her big, ol' hair is so much a part of her personality. Since I have had her hair cut off, that has more than proven to be true. :o)

The beautician must have cut off at least 4 inches, if not more. I thought having her hair shorter would be much cooler for Jags, but have recently discovered that when she is playing hard, she sweats just as much. There is really no difference. Which tells me that it wasn't the actual length that was the issue - the problem is that her hair frames & lays on her face so much, that is actually what makes her so hot. But now, because it is so short, I can't pull it up like I could before, to get it off her face. So now we let it grow back out & I'll never have it this short again. She told me she prefers it longer, also. The one thing we are definitely enjoying while it is short is styling it! Holy pickles, it literally takes 5 minutes! Versus 20. She's so beautiful with her long hair (she's beautiful with her short hair, too!), we'll go back to the 20 minute styling. I'm anxious for it to grow back out & for her gorgeous spirals to return! ☺

The below photo shows how silly she is. :) She must not have received the memo - we do not allow skinny dipping! We have no clue where or when she decided it was ok to strip & swim! She has now received the memo. (That's my girl, with her beautiful long hair!) Gosh, this girl is priceless! ☺

I threw a photo of Bentley in, too. No particular reason - just because he's so darn handsome & I love him so much! I could stare at his face all day long. Adorable! (Um, yes, I got a little clipper happy. Why do you ask? :)

Love my children! ♥

Happy Wednesday! ☺

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New size(s)?

This is Bentley on the trails a few weeks ago. He was taking a rest while waiting for the rest of us. He looks like he is in deep thought. I thought this shot was precious. ☺

This of Jaguar is the adjusted size of the photo below. I have to say, I love the clarity in the larger photos, but this will suffice. :)

I broadened my template & now these particular sizes work. The downside is, you can't click on these to view them in their original size. What you see is what you get. However, they are substantially larger than past images, so it works for me.

Her eye met the couch.

Hang in there while I figure this out. This will take some time because I can't devote undivided attention. But hey -

Look at this photo! I know part of it is cut off, & I don't particularly care to have them this large, but how beautiful is she??? I say that often about her, don't I? Look at all those gorgeous, natural, spiral curls! ☺

For now, I will leave as is while I do more research. What I'm trying to accomplish is larger photos with as minimal steps as possible. Several ways I can do this, but it takes time to read all the information.

Photo taken & edited in RAW. I think me & RAW might just get along after all. The possibilities in RAW are endless. The only reason I appreciate RAW, at this time, is for all the funky options. In this particular photo, I changed/updated no camera settings. Just the fun stuff. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Snapshots & a new hairstyle for Jaguar.

Found Bentley reading in a little cubby hole he had made for himself. I guess he felt the need to protect himself with so many little siblings running amock. Cute. :)

Saturday I took Jaguar to a new Ethnic Salon in our area. I was so excited when I spotted it, I just knew I hit the jackpot! Unfortunately, I knew when I made the appointment, I wasn't going to care for the lady. She had a very cocky, snotty attitude & I don't do those. :) Nonetheless, we went, but I certainly did not like her any better in person. She is very experienced, but her attitude is ick.

She pinned Jaguar's hair up all pretty before cutting & I wasn't really sure what agenda was. She began pulling a bottom section loose - & then out came the hairdryer. And out came Jaguar's fear of hairdryers. While trying to calm Jaguar, I tried to explain to the lady that Jaguar is absolutely terrified of hairdryers & that blowing her hair dry was not an option. She told me she needed to dry it straight, to get an accurate cut. (The 1st time I got Jaguar's haircut, that lady cut her hair wet, so it never occurred to me that this lady would dry it first.) Since obviously that wasn't going to fly, she took the pins out & told me she'd cut it wet, but it wouldn't be even. Oh well. With all Jaguar's curls, one could never tell.

So she did some trimming, not nearly enough, & then proceeded to do this: (This is not right after the lady did it, by this time it had started drying some, losing some of it's tightness.)

*That above is Jag's natural smile - which I rarely capture unless I'm doing something insane! Doesn't she have the most adorable smile? :)

She showed me how to do twists with a comb (I already twist her hair sometimes, but I use my fingers). I thought this new do looked cute - but as time went on, I noticed it just wasn't 'her'. Her big, gorgeous, loose, curly hair is 'her'. It was nice for something different, though. ☺

I may try it sometime(s) for something different. I won't put as many ponytails in, though. Just a few. I do know that pulling her hair up or in pigtails is much cooler for her. :)

When we first walked in from the beauty shop, hubby met us at the door. He exclaimed "Oh! Ooohh, you look so pretty!" Then Jaguar turned around & walked away from him, giving him a view of the back of her head. He then said "oh oh oh....ooooohhhhhh". I guess 'cause she had so many ponytails & he had never seen that before. Ha! Funny.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

She picked them out herself.

"Can I pwease have the pink eawings, mom?" she asked.

"Those are the prettiest ones I see." I said.

And pink it is. ☺

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New lens Take II.

I'm thinking we're going to get along just fine. ☺

As a matter of fact, I ♥ my new lens!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Olive Oil.

I stopped using it. For a while. 'Cause the beautician said to use "leave-in conditioner". So I did. Her hair has never looked worse. So dry. So dull. In this photo (QS - btw), it is slathered in Olive Oil. Still dry on top, if you look closely. Now it's time for damage control as I order some 'professional' products to try via the internet. If those don't work wonders, Olive Oil it is & I'll leave well enough alone. It's time for a trim again, too. :)

She's still mighty pretty though. ♥