Showing posts with label Beauty/Health ♥. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty/Health ♥. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm bombing.

I did so good for a while & it's all gone by the wayside. The bottom line is I just don't eat enough food. Sounds crazy, I know. Why in the world cannot I not just eat breakfast? I am not a breakfast eater (unless weekend or vacation). I cannot. I have never been a breakfast eater. Diabetes is confirmed @ 6.5. I'm at a 6.1. I had a long, thorough conversation w/ my dr.'s nurse a few months ago. I was on board. I can do this. She laid out a plan, gave me websites & it was a go. And it went. And then I got out of the habit.

And now, with the exception of a pathetic 4 lbs. lost, I'm back to square one. No breakfast. No snacks. My first meal @ 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. Maybe dinner, maybe not. Maybe cereal in the middle of the night because I'm starving.

I don't need help with anything. Ever. Ever. Never. Ever. But this, as stupid as it sounds, man I just can't do it. And it's eating. It's 8:30 p.m. & I've had one meal today. I just looked at my husband & told him flat out "I just can't do this eating routine. I need help." Oh dear gawd. Seriously, Melissa? Hubby just ran to MckDonald's & picked me up a cheeseburger & fries because it's late & I'm tired & bordering a cold. There a silver lining, however. A sliver of silver (I'm so clever). I am doing pretty good avoiding whites. Pasta, white bread (which I rarely ate anyway), rice (which is killing me because I love rice), potatoes (except for fries, right now) & I'm even avoiding sweets. That said, diet cokes are back in full force. And that alone makes me angry. Most of you know I attempted to switch to black tea. I love sweet tea. I currently have every artificial sweetener made in my pantry. And I have Stevia. Packets & liquid. But the tea isn't working. And I'm not willing to continue to battle Candida just because of tea. So I kicked it to the curb. Green tea, which I've read does not interfere with Candida, I'm still experimenting with. (I developed Candida about 15 years ago, when my dr. (at the time) gave me antibiotic after antibiotic after antibiotic (4, I believe, different ones, in a row) to try to rid an ear infection. Once you have Candida, it's near impossible to rid. Little did I know, black tea & artificial sweeteners (exception: Stevia) kicked my dormant Candida right back into high gear.) I do wonder if this over abundance of sugar running amok due to Candida has any bearing on my near-diabetes? I don't know.

I don't even know why I'm typing all this. I know I'm frustrated, for sure. Maybe typing it out here will help me kick a plan back into action. I know tomorrow is a new day. I know I want to be fit, in shape & healthy. I know I don't want diabetes. I know I'm on the fast track to having it.

So here I go. Wednesday. I certainly am no wimp & I can do this, as dumb as it sounds. Starting tomorrow, with breakfast. Thank God for tomorrows.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Current cleaning products.

I'm happy with my current products. As you can see, I still have two that need to be replaced w/ non-toxic cleaners.

I absolutely love 7th Generation products. Love the disinfecting wipes & love the spray cleaners. I'm thinking the multi-surface spray & the bathroom cleaner are the same thing in different bottles - but I'm not sure, as the bottles don't disclose all ingredients (I wonder if there's a reason for that? I've never taken the time to google it.) What the bottles do disclose is that both are made with Thyme, an all natural disinfecting oil. As a matter of fact, I went & bought my own bottle of Thyme so I could make my own disinfecting spray, but haven't attempted it yet.

I'm discovering vinegar & water can be used for anything, anywhere. I use it often & the smell doesn't bother me bit because it dissipates so quickly. I now even dust with vinegar & water. I don't spray the surface directly, I spray my cloth (currently using cloth diapers - works like a charm) & it cleans as well as Pledge Multi-Surface wipes (used those for years). I clean mirrors, windows, tables (wood), electronics, decorating accessories, shutters, everything w/ vinegar & water. I feel like I'm really saving some money because vinegar is so inexpensive. I typically purchase a generic brand 'cause vinegar's vinegar. Ü

For years I used Bon Ami in my bathrooms (even in the toilets) & kitchen, but switched to Clorox (p.u.!) & Lysol (ditto!) for the bathrooms. Now I'm using the 7th Generation in the bathroom sinks/tubs/showers/faucets/counters. I currently have a white, porcelain kitchen sink & getting stains off that sucker is no easy task. Recently I've used Comet w/ bleach (massive fumes) & it worked the best. I also tried bleach & peroxide. Now I use Bon Ami, apply good ol' elbow grease & I'm totally content with my white sink & I'm pleased I'm not using a potent cleaner w/ bleach. I only use Bon Ami for the kitchen sink.

I use Pine-Sol on my floors (marble, wood, ceramic). Reason being, vinegar & water takes so long to dry! I'm not sure why, but I don't have that amount of time, & the Pine-Sol dries much quicker. My floors look sparkling clean & smell good, too, so I may just continue with Pine-Sol & be done with it.

And alas, Clorox toilet cleaner w/ bleach. Sigh. What can I say. I'm a stickler about my toilets. I only use it inside the bowl & at the time Rebecca told me to stop using it, I had just purchased a 2-pack. Heehee. So I'm still using it. But I flush really well after cleaning so none is left over. When the Clorox is gone I'll attempt a green toilet blow cleaner.

I am such a product junkie, I'm telling you, I had so many products under my kitchen sink it was unreal! About three or four years ago, I switched to cleaning completely green (still used commericial detergent, but went with the perfume-free) & threw away/gave away all my toxic cleaners. I lost a lot of money doing that. But I felt better because the change was definitely a positive one. Then hubby & I battled Staph infections (nightmare!!!!!), each had 2 surgeries with me a possible 3rd lingering (I wiggled out of that one, thank God!) & after experiencing that absolute hell, I was terrified cleaning green wasn't killing the Staph. So, I went out & repurchased all toxic disinfecting cleaners.

Many months ago I was cleaning the shower & I thought I was going to asphyxiate on fumes! I realized that inhaling toxins had to stop not only for me, but my family as well. I'm still not where I need to be, but progress has been made. And everyone is breathing easier. Suffice to say, transitioning back & forth several times has been very costly. No more of that. Ü

Thought I'd throw in a photo of the current condition of our master shower. Ain't she purdy. This renovation is not going well & due to the fact my husband cannot get the tile off the seat, he has come to a standstill. All six of us are still using the upstairs bath/shower & it's awful. We have seldom used that bath/shower & the dap was peeling off, so hubby redid it. He did an awesome job. Now the new dap is peeling off. WTH? I'm paranoid water is seeping in underneath & getting that sheetrock wet, which will land us in the very same position we're in now with the master shower. We just can't win for losing. This weekend one of us will redap & this will prove to be interesting, as it has to sit/dry for a day or so. We ain't got no other shower. ;o) All that said, let me tell you, we are very blessed & spoiled. It's been tough using the upstairs bathroom, but I'm so grateful we at least have another shower to use.

That was one long post with way too many words. Heehee.

Happy Friday! Ü

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bobbi Brown's Beach.

Teresa (Blooming on Bainbridge) blogged that this is one of her favorite products. I have never heard of it until I read her post. Now, I'm curious. Ü

Has anyone tried this? Does it really smell beach'ish? Or sunscreen'ish? 'Cause if it does, I am so on it. I'm going to splurge & I'm going to get some! Like, tomorrow! :)

I adore the scent of sunscreen. It's so pleasant & soothing & smells so luscious - it calms my demeanor & takes my thoughts straight to the beach (Destin, FL, specifically :). It's one of my most favorite scents ever. Teresa even stated that sometimes she'll spray some Coppertone on her just for the aroma. Heehee. Love that. I may have to give that a try. ;o)

If you can shed any insight on Beach, please do! And while you're at it, check out Teresa's site (link above). She's so cute! :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kitchen Stewardship.

I sure am blogging quite a bit for someone who isn't going to blog for quite a bit. Huh? Ü

Researching natural cleaning recipes/formulas I came across this site:

Kitchen Stewardship

Wow! I continue to scour her site, absorbing information. Super site - she's done an amazing job compiling so much useful information. I will be making many of her recipes in the coming weeks. First off? Homemade granola bars! I'm so thankful for her for sharing her knowledge! Ü

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh happy day!

Lookie lookie! Having a husband who temporarily can't lift anything sure isn't going to stop me! I finally got the sand box & not only that, I lifted & carried (many times) 4 - 50 lb. bags of sand all by myself! Woot! Happy kids. It's just a shame that it's already 175 degrees here (by 9:15 a.m.) & they almost passed out due to heat exhaustion after 15 minutes. Baha! They hit the pool quick. Welcome to North Texas. Ü

My happy place. Our backyard is actually very large, but I relocated the trampoline & toys to this one shaded area. We got rid of our jungle gym years ago (because um, you know, it got like really dirty = really dirty children ;o), but we do have a tire swing to the left of the trampoline. I like looking out to this area & watch my little ones jumping & playing. Just happy. :)

After needing a haircut for about say, 8 months (I think that was a record for me!), I got up this morning & headed to the salon. What is it about a haircut that makes a girl feel like a new person? So fresh & full & bouncy. I ♥ haircuts. As I was leaving, I headed to my car, but my body automatically took an unexpected/unplanned sharp right, right into the nail salon! Look what I got! Woot! Ü

I have not had a pedicure since last year. I give myself my own 'professional' pedi's, so it's not often I treat myself to a salon. Let.Me.Tell.You. The best $22 I've spent in a long time. Every girl should treat herself to a pedi. I know times are tough & I know many can't afford that extra $22 right now. But cut back or cut something out. Search the couch cushions. Have a garage sale. Try to dig up that money. Every girl needs the relaxation & pampering, your toes/feet need the attention, & you deserve it! So often moms tend to everyone else, we don't do much for ourselves. So go. You won't regret it. :)

Now, I know what you're thinking. And yes, I do have the most perfect toes, thankyouverymuch. I have tried to become a toe model for many years now. (It most certainly is true. Ask my husband. And Rebecca, 'cause I'm sure she recalls me making this same statement a while back. LOL) Anyway, no one will hire me. I don't know why. I mean seriously, look at my beautiful, perfectly aligned toes! Beautimous! Oh, quit laughing. Teehee.

Happy weekend! Ü

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How you sleep can affect eyelash performance.

Ever thought about it? It's true. How do I know? Because of the way I personally sleep, affects the position of my own eyelashes.

Let me back up. I ♥ eyelashes. Love them. Love their possibilities (black? blue? (I totally always used to wear blue mascara!) green? brown? false? natural?) I completely believe they are taken for granted. Reality is, eyelashes enhance the eyes. Mascara enhances the eyelashes & softens the face. Mascara, applied incorrectly, can make eyelashes hideous & gaudy. But applied properly - simple eyelashes can become a true wow factor. I don't think there is one woman on the face of this earth too pretty for mascara. Eyelashes & mascara are two of God's greatest gifts; too often ignored & not used to their full potential. And that's just a shame.

Giggling yet? Ü

Look at the with & without photo. Speaks for itself, doesn't it? One can obtain the same result (minus color) without eye shadow & liner.

Back to sleeping. If you are a back sleeper, chances are you're 'safe', unless you sleep with your hands/arm pressed against your face/eyes. If you are a side sleeper, or tummy sleeper, chances are your sleeping position(s) is affecting your eyelash performance. How? If your eyelashes are pressed up against, say, your pillow, they get smooshed. If they are pressed against an arm, like mine, the lashes get forced night after night into an unnatural position. After time, they begin to shape, or curl, into a somewhat permanent position. And because of an unnatural shape/position, mascara doesn't or can't apply effortlessly & smoothly making the lash(es) flow, which results in beautifully applied mascara. Unnaturally shaped lashes can just look weird.

In my situation, because of the way I sleep, my right eyelashes tend to not flow out & up like my left eyelashes. My eyelashes towards the outter corner of my eye begin to curl. Sideways. What I have found that helps resolve this issue, is using eye makeup remover (whether I've had mascara on or not) before showering. I apply using a cotton ball, & gently (never tug on your delicate eye area) rub down & out in slow strokes in attempts to 'reform' or reshape my awkward eyelashes. Applying remover also helps soften the lashes, as does the warm shower. After my shower, I close my eyes & run a warm washcloth over my eyelashes, in a straight, downward sweep. Does it work? Yes, enough to get my eyelashes flowing in a straight direction, so my mascara applies beautifully & works in the manner it was developed to do.

One of the first features someone notices about another is their eyes. I ♥ eyes. Eyes are one of the main reasons I love natural light photography. I once read "eyes are windows to the soul". They most certainly are! So, don't forget to wear mascara. If nothing else, seriously, apply some mascara & Lipsmackers. You'll feel better, you'll look better, & you'll enhance two very pretty features you are blessed with. Ü

So there you go. Do you have bent/curved/crooked eyelashes due to your sleeping position(s)? Are you going to go look? And/or pay attention to the way you sleep tonight? I bet you do! LOL :o)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Foundation 101.

You recall I did this post on my previous blog. When I decided to make my previous blog a "photo blog" only, I deleted the Foundation 101 post. People sent me emails, & I even had some friends on Facebook who read this post & loved it! One friend even asked me about this post last week - too funny! Who woulda thunk? I had no idea! So...I'm going to attempt to rewrite it. ☺


I love makeup, & I have always received compliments regarding my makeup. Though I am certainly no expert, I thought it would be fun to do a "Foundation" post & share some tips that I use. :)

I am not a believer in spending lots of money on makeup. It doesn't matter if you spend $45 or $10 on your foundation - if you don't know how to apply it, or don't apply it properly, it's going to look like crap. It's just as simple as that. Currently, I use Almay & I love it. I have tried & used just about every expensive brand out there (honestly, I got tired of having to make a trip to the mall every time I ran out of a product), & I have tried & used many drugstore brands, as well. Personally, I am not a fan of Revlon or Loreal. They just don't work well for me. And in case you aren't aware, Loreal is the generic of Lancome. Currently I use one product from the more expensive brands:

Clinque. I have used Clinique's "Take the Day Off" eye makeup remover for many years & I will continue to do so. Reason? It is super easy to use & rinses/wipes off effortlessly. It does not leave an oily residue behind, which most definitely determines if your eyeliner smears or stays put. I learned that the hard way. Years ago, I noticed my eyeliner always seemed to smear. Drove me crazy. Finally, I realized that it was because I was using baby oil to remove my eye makeup! The oilier the eye makeup remover, the more oil will reside under (& above) your eyes, making eyeliners smear or slip. Once I curbed that issue, switching to Clinique's remover, problem solved. ☺

I always apply a moisturizer after showering, and/or before applying foundation. Using a moisturizer will make application so much smoother. Make sure you put your moisturizer on evenly - applying everywhere your foundation will go (crevices around nose, etc.). You don't want it too thick because it just becomes more oily. The same rule applies here as well - I do not spend an absurd amount of money on moisturizer. For years I have used Olay & again, will continue to do so. It comes in Oil-Free (I tend to have oilier skin, so I always opt for Oil-Free everything), Fragrance Free & it has an SPF in it. Love the way it smells. ☺

And the must-have for me any & every single time I apply foundation? Makeup sponges.

Never, ever, ever do I use my fingers. Blah! I can't stand caked on foundation all over my fingers. On top of that, our fingers are oily, so if you use your fingers, you applying more oil with your foundation. More oil, more shine.

Now. There's on bit of pertinent information regarding makeup sponges. They come in Latex, or Latex-Free. Do not use the Latex-free. Well, I mean you can, but you absolutely will not get beautifully smooth coverage. (Funny - one time I was explaining this to a lady while waiting at the MAC counter - MAC then offered me a job...heehee!) Latex-Free sponges do not absorb the foundation (if you notice, the sponge actually has a shiney surface), making application like an ice skating rink. It will apply, but it will slide around until it finally settles & dries. Latex makeup sponges have tiny nooks & crannies, & some foundation will actually absorb into the sponge, making application smooth & even. Latex sponges are more difficult to find - currently I purchase mine at Beauty Brands, & I grab several packages at a time. You can use whatever design is easiest for you - I use the round ones. Also, if you haven't worn foundation in a while & your sponge has gotten a little dry, tap your sponge on a damp towel before applying your foundation. This will bring it back to life & make application simple. I use my sponge probably way longer than I should, but the more times I use it, the better it gets. It's just my best buddy. ☺

So there you have it. :) Once your foundation is on, you can wrap 'er up. This is the order I apply my makeup:

1.) Moisturizer

2.) Concealer (oh yes I do!)

3.) Foundation

4.) Powder (Currently I use Coty & apply with a big brush - never use a powder puff)

5.) Top lid eye liner

6.) Top lid mascara

7.) Lip liner (allowing top mascara to dry)

8.) Lipstick

9.) Bottom Eye liner

10.) Bottom mascara

Oh wow! I have 10 steps. Who knew. ☺

(No, I do not use blush. I think some women can pull it off, others can't. I happen to be one who can't. And as my mother once exclaimed to me "Well, don't you look like a whore!" LOL - so I just don't go there anymore. No blush for me. :)

I do use a sponge to smudge my eye liner (I only use a pencil!) after applying - I use the triangles & I just purchase these at WM. Cover Girl brand works fine.

Never in my life have I used a lash curler. I remember years ago, I used my mother's & ack!!, it hurt! I have never touched one since. PTL, I was blessed with long lashes that curl naturally. God was lookin' out for me on that one. ☺ After I apply my mascara, if any clumps, I use a needle to separate my lashes. I have done this for as long as I can remember. No, I have never stuck myself in the eye! I have come close, though. When I was younger, I always gave my mother fits when I would climb up in the bathroom sink & separate my lashes w/a needle. And this particular needle? I have had for about...10 years, or longer. ☺

One more thing before I go. I recommend purchasing new makeup from a CVS, Eckerds, Walgreens, or the like. Reason being? If you don't like it, or it is the wrong color/shade, they allow you to return it and/or exchange it. Initially it will cost you a little more, but you won't have to throw it away, wasting money. Once you establish the brand, color, etc. that you like, then you can begin purchasing it wherever.

So, that's it! Happy Foundation'ing! ☺