Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Play ball!

I finally made it to Audi's t-ball game! I think I have missed 3 of them. They are all played in the evening time & it's just been too cold & windy and/or too late to take Mercedes. But tonight was the early game & it was beautiful outside! I was so excited to see him play. I'm sure all the other parents were thinking my Audi didn't have a mom. ;o)

It's still a little disturbing, for lack of a better word, to see him out there with all those 'big' kids. But he's so cute! As I stood there shooting photos through the fence (that was interesting), I could hear the other moms whispering "Oh he's so cute!" "Look how little he is!". Ha!

That's my boy. My teeny tiny uncasted boy. ☺

Hubby commented that Audi actually bats better with a cast on. Heehee. Ah well. :)

Ready! (He's the one in the middle bent down, legs ready for runnin'!)

My ball! No? Yes?

Yes! Get it Audi!

So much fun. Next time maybe I'll remember to take off my 50mm lens & put on a zoom. Yeah. That would have worked much better. ☺

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