Saturday, March 29, 2014

Toning workout - Leslie Sansone!

Yesterday, browsing YouTube again, I found a 10 minute toning work out by Leslie. After I did the 2 mile walk, I went straight into toning with my hand weights (again, I just blew the video up on my computer screen to follow along). After that, I did my own crunches. I kind of like this. A lot! :)

I noticed yesterday that her 10 minute toning with weights is more like 5 minutes. Great work out, nonetheless. Tonight, when I started working out at 8:00 p.m. (oh yes I did & I was done with all work out at 8:45 p.m.), I tried to time it. I think it ended up being 6-7 minutes & as a getting-back-into-the-swing-of-things work out girl, it works perfectly for me. My arms let me know it works just fine.

I was so gung-ho about finding Richard Simmons, because I really like his routines & I love the dancing, but I'm afraid (for now, anyways), I'm sticking with Leslie. She has many videos on YouTube & I like her better. So for now, sorry Richard! I'm really so thankful I found Leslie.

You can always do this with me! I'd love to have someone join me & we can track our results & share information together. I'm in the for the long haul - this is not temporary for me. And as long as I stick with it daily & don't skip workouts, I'll be just fine. This week, I'll also be cooking a ground turkey something or other. Just need to find a recipe.

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Happy weekend!

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