Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am so impressed.

My blog is working again! Did you miss me? Ha!

Let me explain what happened. Ü

So I switched to Wordpress. Loved it. Loved it. Loved all the sophisticated options. That said, I was having heck getting my photos to upload. You know that I post a lot of photos, so this was proving very frustrating for me! You also know I have 4 miniatures & when I post, I need to post as quickly as possible. I don't have time to upload, delete, reupload & then tweak. Sheesh. On top of that, I had to resize each & every photo I was posting & that took more time. On Blogger, I don't have to do any of that. I can just post away! So I decided I needed to come back. I missed my polka-dots anyway. And my music. And my sidebar photos of my cuties. Ü

There you have it. I've been working on this since Saturday & at 5:00 a.m. Monday morning I started throwing up (sweeeeeeeet) so I had to take a break yesterday. I could not get my domain to work but finally discovered it was one itty bitty mistake I had made - I rectified that & now I'm back to blogging heaven.

Today we have a Graduation celebration. Hopefully tomorrow or so I can resume posting! :)


Anonymous said...

YIPPEEEE!!! I swear I was going through Melissa withdrawl with your blog being down. Lordy, I need help!!!

Rebecca M

Jill said...

Glad you are back! I looked for your blog the other day and couldn't find you. My heart sank:( Now I'm happy again:)